tns media intelligence造句
- From January to September 2008, Diesel spent $ 5.8 million on U . S . advertising, according to TNS Media Intelligence.
- TNS Media Intelligence reported that in 2007, 58 % of advertising expenditure in the United States was spent on media that depend upon telecommunication.
- TNS Media Intelligence / CMR, a New York research firm, estimates carriers pour $ 2 billion annually into print and electronic-media advertising.
- Oscar campaigning provides a huge revenue stream for Variety and the Hollywood Reporter, according to ad revenue estimates provided by TNS Media Intelligence, part of Taylor Nelson Sofres.
- From January to July this year, Merck spent $ 49.5 million on its Vioxx direct-to-consumer ad campaign, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR.
- During the first 10 months of 2002, Coke spent $ 75.5 million on Coke Classic ads, according to ad-tracker CMR / TNS Media Intelligence U . S.
- The stakes are high because ad spending in the category has reached $ 2.5 billion a year, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR, part of Taylor Nelson Sofres.
- "There's going to be no letup now, " predicted Evan Tracey, president of TNS Media Intelligence / Campaign Media Analysis Group, a company that tracks political advertisements.
- In early March 2008 TNS announced the merging of its North American operating units TNS Media Intelligence, TNS Media Research with the recently acquired firms Compete and Cymfony to create TNS Media Group.
- Toyota was the sixth-most-advertised brand in the United States last year, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR, with spending in major media of $ 757.4 million.
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- That is a significant increase over the estimated ad spending in major media on Skittles candies and mints last year, which totaled $ 15.3 million, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR.
- In the United States alone, airline ad spending fell to $ 678 million last year, from $ 2.4 billion in 2000, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR, an industry research firm.
- Toyota spent just over $ 1 billion on advertising in 2003 in the United States, an increase of 7.8 percent from 2002, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR, which measures ad spending.
- According to CMR / TNS Media Intelligence in New York, ad spending for weight loss programs and products _ excluding diet foods, diet beverages and health clubs _ totaled $ 241 million for the 10 months through October.
- Marketers spent $ 5.6 billion to advertise online in the first nine months of this year, up 25.8 percent from the same period in 2003, according to TNS Media Intelligence, which tracks ad spending.
- "It's a fairly efficient way to engage voters without having to cherry-pick states, " said Evan Tracey, president of TNS Media Intelligence / Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks ad spending.
- According to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR in New York, which tracks ad spending, InBev spent $ 6.3 million to advertise Dos Equis in major media last year, compared with $ 1.1 million in 2002.
- And advertisers spent $ 3.7 billion on Spanish-language television during 2003, which was more than double the $ 1.6 billion spent in 1998, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR, part of Taylor Nelson Sofres.
- Through May, Applebee's spent about $ 52.5 million on advertising, up from $ 50.4 million in the same period a year ago, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR, part of Taylor Nelson Sofres.
- For January through July of this year, for example, XM spent an estimated $ 15.6 million on advertising in major media, compared with the $ 4.8 million by Sirius, according to TNS Media Intelligence / CMR.
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